Other Curriculum
Type | Title |
BarrierIslandEducatorsGuide | |
Book_of_Educational_Resources_I_ Remember | |
Compendium | |
CoverAndIntro | |
CR_CollectingOrganizingData | |
CR_NeedSaltMangrove | |
CR_PlanningFieldTrip | |
CR_RootingIntoInquiry | |
CR_SouthernBayberry | |
CR_WhenHabitatGetsSalty | |
CWPPRA_2014_CRMS_Beginner_Manual | |
CWPPRA_Presentation_for_Coastal_Builders | |
CWPPRA_Presentation_for_Rotary_Club | |
CWPPRA_Presentation_for_Teachers_7_7_14 no description | |
FunctionsAndValues | |
Handful_of_Critters | |
Honk_if_you_love_wetlands | |
I_Remember_Art_Sup_Intro | |
I_Remember_Oral_History_Supplement | |
Lecture_Restoration_CWPPRA | |
maps_curriculum no description | |
Marine Debris Education no description | |
marinedebris2 no description | |
National_Visual_Arts_Standards | |
NFC_Manual | |
NSTA Presentation about CRMS Nov. 10, 2011 | |
Painting_In_Style | |
Pass_the_Word | |
Resources | |
STEM | |
Sugar_Cane_Fields | |
TT_BarrierIslands | |
TT_DisappearingWetlands | |
TT_DollarsAndSense | |
TT_EstuaryExtra | |
TT_GreatMarshDilemma | |
TT_HeadsAboveWater | |
TT_HowFarFromSea | |
TT_Hullabaloo | |
TurningTheTide | |
We_Walk_In_Beauty | |
Type | Title |
Type | Title |
ActivityBookAnswerKey Henri Heron's Louisiana Wetlands: Answer Key. Produced by: CWPPRA | |
BarrierIslandEducatorsGuide Use these 5 lessons to teach middle school and high school students about Barrier Island geomorphology, dynamics, ecology and history. | |
Claude_Clawdette_s_Estuary_Adventures_Activity_Book_Answer_Key | |
Educators_Guide_to_the_Barataria-Terrebonne_Estuary_Curriculum A comprehensive educator's guide. Educators will find activities and a multitude of resources for their students. The BTNEP Educator's Guide to the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary is a comprehensive source of information and activities for formal and nonformal educators. The activities are created specifically for students K through 12th grade. | |
Estuary_Live_Activity_Book | |
Field_Trip_Guide_to_the_Barataria-Terrebonne_National_Estuary | |
Louisiana_s_Birds_Curriculum A K-12 curriculum about the birds and related habitats of the Barataria-Terrebonne Naitonal Estuary and the priority issues facing the basins. | |
Louisiana's Birds Curriculum A K-12 curriculum about the birds and related habitats of the Barataria-Terrebonne Naitonal Estuary and the priority issues facing the basins. | |
Rescuing_the_Treasures_Video_Activity_Sheet A sequel to Haunted Waters, Fragile Lands, describing the importance of estuaries and restoration techniques. Answer key included for teachers. | |
Salt_Marsh_Habitat_Activity_Book A wonderful activity book written from Clawdette the Crab's perspective. Follow Clawdette through the Estuary. Ideal for students K-4. | |
Spirit of the Estuary Using Art to Understand Ecology Curriculum A multi-disciplinary curriculum that addresses wetland issues through the integration of fine art, language art, science, and social studies. | |
Trees_Make_a_Difference_Teachers_Guide Planting Native Trees in Terrebonne Parish-a great guide for the How? Where? What? and Why? of planting native Louisiana trees. Includes fun activities. Perfect for primary school students and their teachers! | |
Vanishing_Wetlands_Vanishing_Future_Video_Teachers_Guide_Grades_6-8 This guide accompanies a zany video on the BTNEP seven priority problems is in the style of Bill Nye the Science Guy and is best suited for middle school, though the vocabulary is applicable to high school topics. | |
Vanishing_Wetlands_Vanishing_Future_Video_Teachers_Guide_Grades_9-12 This guide accompanies a zany video on the BTNEP seven priority problems is in the style of Bill Nye the Science Guy and is best suited for middle school, though the vocabulary is applicable to high school topics. | |
Wetlands_Webliography This publication was created to help resource librarians aid patrons in finding Web information about wetlands. The booklet has been divided into several sections including: federal resources, state resources, Louisiana university resources, and other resources. | |
Wild_Plants_of_Our_Wetlands_Instructors_Guide Wild Plants of the Wetlands is a K-4 science curriculum designed to introduce teachers and students to wetland environment with experiments and activities that can be coordinated with field trips to the National Park: Jean Lafitte Historical Park and Preserve. The development of this curriculum was funded through the BTNEP Mini-Grants program. All material is aligned with Louisiana GLEs. | |
Type | Title |
Type | Title |
Americans_Vanishing_Treasure_Video_Activity_Sheet | |
Bird_Factsheets | |
Estuary_Live_Activity_Book | |
Estuary_LIVE_Video_Activity_Sheet | |
Field_Trip_Guide_to_the_Barataria-Terrebonne_National_Estuary | |
Haunted_Waters_Video_Teachers_Guide_Grades_1-3 | |
Haunted_Waters_Video_Teachers_Guide_Grades_4-6 | |
Haunted_Waters_Video_Teachers_Guide_Grades_7-12 | |
Lafourche_Parish_From_The_Beginning | |
Mammal_Fact_Sheets Mammals Field Guides Collection: A collection of one page fact sheets. | |
Rescuing_the_Treasures_Video_Activity_Sheet A sequel to Haunted Waters, Fragile Lands, describing the importance of estuaries and restoration techniques. Answer key included for teachers. | |
Trees_Make_a_Difference_Student_Guide Planting Native Trees in Terrebonne Parish-a great guide for the How? Where? What? and Why? of planting native Louisiana trees. Includes fun activities. Perfect for primary school students and their teachers! | |
Trees_Make_a_Difference_Teachers_Guide Planting Native Trees in Terrebonne Parish-a great guide for the How? Where? What? and Why? of planting native Louisiana trees. Includes fun activities. Perfect for primary school students and their teachers! | |
Vanishing_Wetlands_Vanishing_Future_Video_Teachers_Guide_Grades_6-8 This guide accompanies a zany video on the BTNEP seven priority problems is in the style of Bill Nye the Science Guy and is best suited for middle school, though the vocabulary is applicable to high school topics. | |
Vanishing_Wetlands_Vanishing_Future_Video_Teachers_Guide_Grades_9-12 This guide accompanies a zany video on the BTNEP seven priority problems is in the style of Bill Nye the Science Guy and is best suited for middle school, though the vocabulary is applicable to high school topics. | |
Wetlands_Webliography This publication was created to help resource librarians aid patrons in finding Web information about wetlands. The booklet has been divided into several sections including: federal resources, state resources, Louisiana university resources, and other resources. | |
When_You_Were_My_Age_Oral_History_Project An oral history lesson on Bayou Lafourche. Students learn about cultural heritage by interviewing friends and family. Oral history interview techniques and information on the Bayou Lafourche Oral History Project. | |
Wild_Plants_of_Our_Wetlands_Instructors_Guide Wild Plants of the Wetlands is a K-4 science curriculum designed to introduce teachers and students to wetland environment with experiments and activities that can be coordinated with field trips to the National Park: Jean Lafitte Historical Park and Preserve. The development of this curriculum was funded through the BTNEP Mini-Grants program. All material is aligned with Louisiana GLEs. | |
Wings_Over_the_Wetlands_Video_Activity_Sheet This activity sheet accompanies the Wings Over the Wetlands video, which examines the importance of South Louisiana's wetland habitats to the many birds that either call this region home or who depend on it as they pass through during migration. | |
Type | Title |